4516 Lovers Lane, Suite 205
Dallas TX 75225
Diane Paddison - Founder Irrayna Uribe - Manager of Operations and Human Resources

About Us

Though professional Christian women share similar values, aspirations, and challenges, the resources they need are enormously different depending on their career stage and marital status.

Single women in their twenties, thirties, and forties often find their careers creep into leisure time and throw life off balance. While the freedom to devote long hours can accelerate a career, access to the wisdom of women mentors and peers who share their values can establish a healthy perspective on priorities for a lifetime.

Working mothers who love their jobs struggle with debilitating guilt at home and work. Their overbooked calendars can isolate them from their own peers, when precious encouragement from someone who relates could refresh their weary souls. Many working moms leave church when ministries don’t align with the demands of a full-time job and child care.

And godly women well into their careers, ready to explore a new professional challenge or to mentor the younger women around them, have a wealth of wisdom to share and only lack connection to the women who are hungry for leadership.

The women we meet through 4word share a desire to use their God-given gifts and experience in a professional setting but need very different resources if single, married, or moms; just starting their careers, or decades in.

God has a call on your life, and I know the power of faith and values in the business world. Whoever you are, whatever your work, God places you with purpose. Your skills, talent, and knowledge are his. So is your career. Balance can seem daunting, and it compels our dependence on him.


That’s why women in 4word Community Groups across the U.S. connect not just in monthly “lunch and learns” on a weekday, but also over Saturday coffee, in evening Bible or book studies, after-work events, and virtually around their work and personal schedules.

By building friendships outside their usual industry circles, we find that women from 25 to beyond 65 are becoming equally engaged in every Community Group, forming rewarding relationships with the help of 4word staff and communication tools.

4word is a 501(c)(3) organization, which provides a framework and platform to foster productive conversations. As a 501(c)(3) organization, 4word does not engage in advocacy or political activity. We respect our audiences’ opinions and affirm everyone’s right to do in their individual capacity; however, leaders or attendees at 4word events are not permitted to engage in political activity on behalf of, or using the 4word platform, resources or brand.